Copyright Services

The Business Importance of Copyright Management

Copyright, which is literally the proprietary ownership of the right to copy, offers companies a valuable tool in the retention of control over a broad range of valuable assets. It is applicable to almost any tangible work product that is the original creative work of an individual or group.

Proper copyright management, like management of other important assets, is not an accident, nor a fact of business life that can be taken for granted.

Establishment of clear ownership and title is crucial. If copyrighted materials are provided by other than bona fide employees, properly drafted and executed “work-for-hire” agreements MUST be in place. Otherwise, as a matter of law, the author is the copyright owner. The legal and business significance of this cannot be underestimated.

Copyright administration is a critical element. In-house procedures must be in place to ensure that correct notices of ownership are employed, and to actively monitor for potential infringement. This is particularly important with regard to copyright assignments, since they are only valid for the initial term of the copyright prior to renewal, when it reverts back to the author.

Timely registration is an additional component of proper copyright management. This serves to make available enforcement tools not generally accessible to owners of works that have been infringed prior to registration.

Ascentage Law offers its clients a business-grounded ability to provide counsel through the entire realm of copyright-related activities. We provide the legal information and counsel required to consolidate the value of these critical business assets.

Copyright Services include:
  • Infringement and title searches for copyright materials
  • U.S. copyright registrations
For more information about Ascentage Law’s Copyright Services, please contact Aaron.


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